
Currently, installation is only available through Github. Two branches are available. master is up to date and may very well contain bugs. On the other hand, I try to only push on stable after the code has been tested sufficiently.

Please note that at the time of writing (8/20/2015), stable is horribly outdated and should not be used when trying out the library.

Add Hutte to your project with Bundler

Add this to your project’s Gemfile:

gem 'hutte', github: 'bastienleonard/hutte', branch: 'stable'

If you have cloned Hutte, you can use the local repo like this:

gem 'hutte', path: '/path/to/repo'

Install your dependencies and you’re good to go:

bundle install

Manual installation

Clone the repo:

git clone

Build the gem:

gem build hutte.gemspec

Install it:

# You may have to change this version number
gem install hutte-0.1.0.gem