
class Hutte::Dsl

The block you pass to SshSession.run is given an instance of this class, and this is the main API in Hutte.

This class conveniently includes the methods from the File class, e.g. dsl.file_exists?(path) will call File.exists?.


Change the remote directory.

This doesn’t have any immediate effect. A block with remote commands should be passed; their working directory will be changed as intended.

Calls to this method can be nested:

cd '/home' do
  run 'pwd' # Prints /home
  cd 'bastien' do
    run 'pwd' # Prints /home/bastien
    run 'ls'  # Prints the content of /home/bastien

Call the given block with self bound to this Dsl object.

Useful when decomposing the program into functions:

def print_home(s)
  s.dsl do
    # Note we don't need to write ``s.run''
    run 'ls -l /home'

Hutte::SshSession.run('user', 'host') do

Same as cd, but locally.

local(command[, options])

Execute command (a string) locally, blocking until it is completed and return a CommandResult instance.

Options include:

  • output: whether the output of the command should be printed (currently, the content of stderr is always printed). True by default.
  • ok_exit_statuses: an array of process exit statuses that indicate success. [0] by default.
  • dry_run: the value you set in SshSession‘s options. May be overriden.
  • verbose: the value you set in SshSession‘s options. May be overriden.

Call the rsync tool to synchronize a local directory with the server.

options is a hash that must include the following keys:

  • remote_dir: the remote directory that will be synced.
  • local_dir: the local directory that will be synced. Add a trailing / if you want the content of local_dir to be dropped inside remote_dir. Otherwise, rsync will place the files at remote_dir/local_dir.

These keys are optional:

  • exclude: an array of strings for the paths that rsync should ignore, using a --exclude option for each item in the array. [] by default.
  • delete: pass the --delete options to rsync. Of course, you should be very careful with this. False by default.
  • dry_run: pass the --dry_run options to rsync. False by default. Please note that unfortunately, rsync will still perform some checks. For example, it will raise an error if a directory doesn’t exist.
  • verbose: pass the --verbose options to rsync. False by default.
  • extra_options: a string that will be appended to the rsync command.
run(command[, options])

Execute command (a string) on the server, blocking until it is completed and return a CommandResult instance.

The final command will look like this:

bash -l -c "{escaped_command}"

Options include:

  • output: whether the output of the command should be printed (currently, the content of stderr is always printed). True by default.
  • ok_exit_statuses: an array of process exit statuses that indicate success. [0] by default.
  • dry_run: the value you set in SshSession‘s options. May be overriden.
  • verbose: the value you set in SshSession‘s options. May be overriden.
  • characters_to_escape: the value you set in SshSession‘s options. May be overriden.
  • shell: the value you set in SshSession‘s options. May be overriden.